ZIPKEY zipcodes and area codes

Buy ZIPKEY now

The zip code and telephone area code database changes constantly, so ZIPKEY's data is updated every month. For $25, you get the complete ZIPKEY software package and data, current to this month, licensed for one year. Most people buy the updated version of the ZIPKEY zip code database and area code finder once every year, for $25. We now offer substantial discounts when you prepay for your updates, and obtain them via your Internet connection. .

Many people like to keep up-to-date more than once per year, so ZIPKEY offers a variety of options for automatic updating of the zip and area code database. When you are connected to the Internet, ZIPKEY's updates are easier than ever: ZIPKEY will inform you when your prepaid update is available, and, when you click on ZIPKEY's Download Now button, you will be updated with astounding rapidity -- as fast as one or two seconds on a high-speed cable or DSL connection.

We offer attractive discounts for licensing ZIPKEY on multiple computers, including extra updates for no extra charge.

If you would like to order ZIPKEY "offline", you can simply send your name, address, and a check for $25, to the address given at the bottom of the page. Or download the evaluation version of ZIPKEY by clicking here, and have ZIPKEY fill out an order form for you.

If you would like to order online, you can receive the software within minutes. Please click on one of the links below, to select an options package. You will be able to adjust the licensing and update schedule on the next page.

Legal terms. Like most software, ZIPKEY is subject to copyright restrictions, and is licensed, not sold. Click here to read these legal details, including warranty terms and liability limitations.

>Current version only, one computer, $25

>Current plus 6-month update, two computers, $45

>Quarterly updates, up to 5 computers, $95

>ASCII text file included, quarterly updates, 5 computers, $105

>Monthly updates, up to 13 computers, $190

Eric Isaacson Software
416 E. University Street
Bloomington, IN 47401 USA

Phone: 1-812-339-1811

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