ZIPKEY Zipcodes

ZIPKEY zip code and area code software

If you type US addresses into any Windows program, ZIPKEY zip code directory
and address entry tool will speed your job and improve your accuracy

You type the zip code, and ZIPKEY types out the city, state, etc. for you
Instantly look up telephone area codes and time zones as well
Custom compression and hand-coding makes ZIPKEY astoundingly small and fast!

Works on all versions of Windows and DOS
Only $25, or try free for 30 days

Read more about how ZIPKEY zip code directory works

Screen shots of ZIPKEY usage: 1024x768 display is recommended for this.

Buy now, single copy only $25 --- or --- Try free for 30 days

Eric Isaacson Software
416 E. University Street
Bloomington, IN 47401 USA

Phone: 1-812-339-1811

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